

Inkdown is a Markdown reading, editing, and publishing tool aimed at improving the reading and editing experience of Markdown and publishing your documents online in the simplest way possible.

Markdown as a universal format across all platforms, is very suitable for storing personal documents. Your data will not be bound by any note taking application and can be easily published on any online platform.


Main functions

  • File conversion: Inkdown can batch import and export standard markdown files, and properly handle Markdown file links and dependent attachments during execution. Inkdown even provides the ability to write documents in standard markdown format in real-time to the local computer. Enable you to always have a copy of your own document.

  • Enhance: Markdown has some missing features, Inkdown uses HTML to improve it, such as high brightness text, embedded network videos, mathematical formula rendering, etc. You can quickly preview the specific expansion capabilities through the Inkdown website.

  • Publish: You can publish your documents to the internet at any time, or you can easily organize folders into knowledge sites with just one click. If you want to experience publishing immediately, please refer to the Publish.

  • Fast: Inkdown caches document data to the local machine, which prevents you from experiencing network latency while editing documents, Like standalone software, Even editing and exporting can be done without a network connection. And automatically back up data when connected to the Internet.